Thursday, May 8, 2008

what if...

"What if someone you know turns out to be someone you knew"?

I think it'll be too sad...
But again, life is unpredictably sound and anything can happen.

But how do we get to know them again?
How do we get ourselves from re finding someone who turned his back on us at one point?
Are second chances worth- giving?

I don't know really. Maybe...
Our feelings often lead us to thinking that chances must be given to anyone. For at the back of our feeble minds, we're thinking why not? We can still go on living even if we thought giving chances isn't worth the dime? There'll always be hanging questions prompting us to give answers to, even if it means hurt or even lies.

It's true that people around us play a significant part. If you're eccentric, some covert-loving individual, you can maybe go on alone. But if you are the ever unpredictable guy/gal, some people-loving, accepting, benign person, then you are ready for the worst type of beating ever- giving chances which could mean disappointment and moving on.

I guess, there is nothing wrong about giving chances.
Even if the person you had given it to doesn't necessarily return a good favor.
For what if such person really needs the chance?
What if the chance he/she's asking means a start he badly wants?

Think about it.

Happy Reading!!!

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